What we aim for

We want people to fall in love with Japan!
Our goal is to make as many foreigners as possible feel “I am glad I came to Japan! Our goal is to make as many foreigners as possible feel “glad to have come to Japan!

Raising awareness of multiculturalism
We aim to raise awareness of multiculturalism among Japanese students by creating opportunities for exchange between Japanese students and young foreigners working in Japan.
The purpose of the corporation is to promote social integration of foreign workers and to contribute to the promotion of social activities and awareness of multicultural conviviality among Japanese students by conducting projects led by Japanese students to assist and support young foreigners working in Japan, such as foreign technical interns.
(Article 3 of the Articles of Incorporation)
Origin of “Adovo

Most of our members are Japanese high school and university students, and “being of the same generation” is what Adovo values mos

What we can do as young people is to interact with each other as friends. We believe that this is our advocacy for Japan to become a country of choice.